Movies That Keep Me Up At Night: Fire In The Sky
Horror isn’t horror without tearing down the walls of your mind. Once that is done, terror proceeds to enter your psyche and shakes you. You’re frozen by images and sounds that may or may not even exist.
One of the scariest films these two eyes witnessed is Fire In The Sky. The movie was based on an alien abduction that occurred in Arizona in 1975. Let me rephrase that — it’s LOOSELY based on an alien abduction. When I say that it’s easily the most horrifying alien films, this is no hyperbole. Let’s start with some of the most jarring scenes and images.
Step Into The Light
If you’ve never seen an alien abduction, this is one. As the main character Travis Walton (D.B. Sweeney) is at his work site — BOOM! The aliens get him and go. A beam comes from the sky and takes him up. Just the sheer look of his face and theatrics, it was a wonderfully shot scene. I think this kept me out of fields for a long time. I didn’t want to be swept away as E.T.’s space slave.
Another scene with some great elements. This one was post-abduction. Travis returns home to the family, clearly perturbed by his experience. As people surround him and come into his proximity, he loses it. He retreats under the table where he knocks over maple syrup; spilling into his mouth. It all takes him back to the nightmare. The syrup flows in, which is similar to the liquid in the alien ship that he was kept.
Alien Surgery
Speaking of nightmares, nothing prepares you for this. The insane equipment and methods they illustrate here are immaculate. It makes you believe that the stories have to be real. The detail of each act practiced on Travis are nauseating. The infamous drill to the eye is where you’re left feeling like there would be no hope if this is what aliens are doing amongst the stars.
If you have the courage to watch, this movie is available for streaming on YouTube. I encourage everyone to watch some of the real Travis Walton’s testimonies too. He had some interesting nuggets in it. I ask that once you see it, please do not come chastise me for the peace that I pulled from your life. Thanks!